
Investment in Cleveland. Amazon opens two distribution centers

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Investment in Cleveland. A new sorting and shipping centre under construction.

In the North Randall neighborhood. It is the web giant Amazon that is establishing itself. In place of the now destroyed former North Randall shopping centre. Amazon is building a parcel shipping center. The leading Internet distribution group is promising to generate new and sustainable jobs in Cleveland.

Amazon is moving to Cleveland.

Amazon, one of the world’s leading e-commerce specialists, is setting up shop in Cleveland. Visit to a developing centre on North Randall in Cleveland’s east end.
Located on nearly 80,000 square meters, the new Amazon Centre replaces after 40 years of loyal Randall Park Mall services. This new centre for packaging and shipping small products mainly electronics and literature is expected to employ more than 2,000 people.

Amazon Company

Headquartered in Seatle, it has already faced criticism over its internal policy and the hours and salaries of its staff. Agreements are made for this new entity and the hourly rate for employees is $15 and $18.
For the North Randall site as well as for the second site in Cleveland on the former Euclid Mall, employees will benefit from dental compensation and medical coverage as soon as they are hired. Even beyond the first year of service, this coverage will extend to targeted school fees in the medical field and in the learning of gear pipes.

Le commerce par le Web

Industry is constantly growing in the world and also in Ohio. The total number of employment in the industry in 2007 placed the state of Ohio in seventh place among all US states. Now, a study of data from the Bureau of Labor statistics is yielding surprising results. More than 10,500 Ohions are employed in the electronics sector, five times more than in 2007.

Stable jobs:

Authorities in Cleveland now see this change as a contribution to job stability. The social security contributions that will be paid by the company are related to the number of employees. The estimate of 3,500 jobs created at the end of the year, a time for online commerce. To finally have 2000 stable jobs in cruising speed. The former employees of Randall Park Mall have happily changed their caps, and now they handle parcel shipments for the whole world.

Renewal for the neighbourhood:

From the first contacts between Amazon executives and city authorities, Mayor David Smith was enthusiastic. He was very involved in the success of this project. It was more than necessary to bring a renewal to the neighborhood, this new location allows all residents to enjoy what can bring a large structure such as Amazon. David Smith did not want anyone else but Amazon’s management in the negotiations.

The city’s budget on the rise:

The neighborhood had gradually let its workers go and the closure of the former shopping centre was very bad news for the residents of Randall Park. Amazon immediately made dues and the neighborhood’s budget increased by more than 75%, with tax increases increasing by more than 40% month-on-month compared to the previous year.

Increased sales:

Nearby businesses have also seen an increase in sales, and newcomers are moving into the area. The well-known us Taco Bell has opened a new fast food restaurant there, as well as new restaurants coveting any free location.

The mayor said:

We need to see this business opportunity in the long term. Let’s hope the company grows even more. The shopping centre was empty and in poor condition, the area would have become a disaster zone.


Wages in the low range: Amazon employees’ salaries were set at $15 an hour. This meets the minimum requested by the legislation of the US House of Representatives. These remain weak, says Ocasio Cortez. Meaning that the calculations should be a little over $16 to meet the needs of American families.

Amazon’s management denies this:

We fight every day for an increase in the minimum wage with the authorities. In addition, full social security coverage is associated with the salaries of all our employees.

Since the announcement of the installation of the premises, investors in both commercial leases and rental investment housing have regained momentum and rent prices are rising.

No one can guess what the new direction of the North Randall neighborhood will be, but the mayor wants to think big. I am waiting for a development of the center, I am proud to finally have this chance to welcome the Amazon company.

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